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Exibition focuses on living space

2015-04-24  Staff Report 2

Exibition focuses on living space
WINDHEOK- Visual artists Actofel Iluvo, Robert Narciso and Friends, exhibition ‘Unit’ at the National Art Gallery of Namibia (NAGN) Gallery is an explorative and creative effort to look into the spaces we create. Ilovu and Narciso aims to create Unit by dividing the floor space into plots, each plot given to a separate artist. Together the individual spaces create a “Unit” and collectively the installation will create a “Unit”.  According to them a unit can mean a single person or thing or it can also mean a group of people or things put together. They say the exhibition is inspired by the process that often takes place in Katutura, land is divided and given to people and they can then set up their houses. “We hope to set up similar feelings of artistic ownership of space,” they say. With Katutura, and more specifically the informal settlements, a sense of chaos and feelings of being overwhelmed can also take place from the disorder in which houses are set up. The two artists also set up this feeling with in the installation. The exhibition runs until May 25.  
2015-04-24  Staff Report 2

Tags: Khomas
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