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Ma/gaisa fun day set to energise audience

2024-05-24  Pricilla Mukokobi

Ma/gaisa fun day set to energise audience

The Ma/gaisa family will be bringing a vibrant celebration of the genre with the upcoming Ma/gaisa fun day and live music festival, to take place on 1 June at Moses Van der Byl Primary School. 

Spearheaded by Mervin Claasen, known by his stage name MarvTown, the festival aims to highlight and celebrate the unique Ma/gaisa musical style.

Claasen, the first winner of the Next Ma/gaisa Star Search Show, has taken the initiative not just to perform, but to also create a platform that nurtures and expands the reach of this unique musical style.

“We are thrilled to bring the Ma/gaisa Live Music Festival to the community. This event is a celebration of our culture and music, and we hope it inspires both artists and fans to embrace and promote the genre,” he said. 

In addition to the musical performances, the festival will feature family-friendly activities, making it a perfect outing for all ages. Patrons can look forward to a day filled with entertainment, food and a sense of camaraderie.

“We the Ma/gaisa artists wish to create more platforms for the genre to prosper, and influence music beyond our borders. We wish that our unique sound becomes international, and the Ma/gaisa artists get more recognition in and outside Namibia. 

The selected group of artists are talented, hardworking and disciplined artists who will not only represent the Ma/gaisa genre, but the whole of Namibia,” he said. 

The Ma/gaisa Family Fun Day is a collaborative effort between MarvTown and fellow artist Jaliza Staffny Gomxos. 

“This is also a fundraising effort for myself, Jaliza and Kalux, as we intend to travel to the UK, where we were invited to perform at the Heroes Day Commemoration in August this year,” he said.

2024-05-24  Pricilla Mukokobi

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