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Regional council under quarantine

2020-12-09  Obrien Simasiku

Regional council under quarantine

OMUTHIYA – The Oshikoto Regional Council has temporary closed its offices at Omuthiya after two staff members tested positive for Covid-19. 

The regional health directorate offices were also closed for fumigation and targeted testing after two healthcare workers contracted the virus. The health directorate had to conduct targeted testing last week following the positive cases. Another round of testing was carried out on Monday. 

The regional council temporary closed its doors on Friday, with chief regional officer Frans Enkali saying the closure was a precautionary measure. 

“Due to the fact that one staff member tested positive for Covid-19 and the other staff have been placed under quarantine as they are primary contacts to confirmed cases. The ministry of health is busy disinfecting the building to ensure all Covid-19 protocols pertaining to fumigation, sanitation and prevention are adhered to,” stressed Enkali. 
He thus encouraged the public requiring assistance to visit constituency offices in the interim.

2020-12-09  Obrien Simasiku

Tags: Oshikoto
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